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Cimetière Américain

Why choose IDBD?

01. For his technical expertise and his experience in irrigation

The IDBD company is led by Elie Desrues. Returning from his training in irrigation techniques learned in the United States in the 1970s, he pioneered precision automatic irrigation systems by promoting the technique of valve-in-head sprinklers associated with individual head-control, and the first computerized control systems installed in France. He was also a pioneer in promoting electro-hydraulic regulation systems for large pumping stations and further the energy-saving on-demand variable speed pumps adapted to the varying consumption profiles in irrigation.


Responsible for several decades of the supervision of the integrated design office of the company Sadimato, he participated in the design of irrigation systems on golf courses, racetracks, parks and landscaped cemeteries.


Elie Desrues is an expert recognized by European authorities. Appointed by the CEN (European Committee for Standardization) coordinator of the Technical Committee CEN / TC334 "Irrigation Technics", he co-wrote the European standard NF EN 12484-1 / 5 "Automatic turf irrigation systems". He is also co-author of the professional rules of the SYNAA (National Syndicate of Automatic Irrigation), of the encyclopedia and of the technical specifications of the SFG (Société Française des Gazons).


03. For its commitment on delivering top performances irrigation system

IDBD executes its engineering contracts with great rigor, an essential condition for committing to an obligation of result at all levels. The engineering contracts of IDBD are covered by a civil liability insurance corresponding to the activities in hydraulics, civil works and landscape engineering. 

For his skills in civil engineering and urban planning_edited.jpg

02. For its methods statements  and technical resources

Thanks to the very long experience of its facilitator, IDBD has an extremely rich information library in all areas relating to automatic irrigation systems:

  • Technical knowledge of all manufacturers and products involved in the realization of a irrigation installation

  • Knowledge of standards and regulations applicable to irrigation systems and the mobilization of irrigation water


IDBD's technical studies are carried out in accordance with European standard NF EN 12484. ​


IDBD has and masters the technical means required to carry out its services​ such as water distribution modeling software and CAD software, software for computerized control systems, GPS topography equipment, othroimagery  electrical and hydraulic measuring devices to carry out tests and commissioning.

Irrigation system

04. For its skills in civil engineering and urban development

Design studies in civil engineering are carried out by Felipe Mendieta, civil engineer graduated from the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse (INSA Toulouse), and the National University of Colombia (UNAL).

Contact IDBD sas

Phone: +33 (0) 608 404 134

Address: IDBD SAS - 28 Rue de la Gouttière - 78640 - Neauphle le Château - France    APE code: 7112B

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